Animal crackers in my soup
Do funny things to me
They make me think my neighborhood
Is a big menagerie...
~ Shirley Temple, sung in "Animal Cracker in My Soup"
~ Shirley Temple, sung in "Animal Cracker in My Soup"
I fell instantly in love with this Float Animal Soup from Molo Design in Vancouver.
Not your conventional Campbell's animal spaghetti soup...
"Use to serve hot or cold soups, dips, salsas, snacks, crackers, biscuits, nuts, candies...
Like all our glassware, float animal soup bowls are skillfully handblown from borosilicate glass in the Czech Republic, and were inspired by the delicate handblown animal figurines that are popular in that country.The rooster, featured in this edition of animal soup signifies good luck in the kitchen..."
Deliciously delightful...
Hi Terramia, Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog today. I would love you to list ABT on your blogroll and I will do the same for your blog too. I will do it tonight once I have some more time to sit down!! Thanks again and I look forward to chatting lots more in the future.
Already fini, my dear Aussie! I listed long ago... (: