As the snow continues to fall here at my mom and dad's in Langley, it is beginning to look a lot like a white fairytale scene outside. The snowflakes are delicate and fine as a butterfly's wing, tumbling down ever so softly in the night.
While catching a wisp of the crisp, cool air and the silence of the neighbourhood, my mom came across a gorgeous stretched-out spotted slug making his way across the porch. She scooped him up and put him somewhere warm with a little bit of peanut butter as a savoury snack.
And this reminds me...
Amazing glass slugs made by Mark Lauckner, artist in recycled glass, at Mayne Island Glass Foundry (located on one of the hideaways of the Gulf Islands between British Columbia and Vancouver Island). The 6-inch long glass slugs are not an unrealistic size for this region of the West Coast. These slugs are popular as a collector's item for slug-lovers (or enemy gardeners), as well as a nice piece of recycled glass art for those who visit or reside in this lush rainforest region.
What amazing pieces of art!! Must come to your parts one of these days!