Friday, April 20, 2007

For the Love of Horses

"And God took a handful of southerly wind, blew His breath over it
and created the horse"
~ Bedouin Legend
For the love of horses.... Part Deux
Me as a wee one (with droopy drawers!) and my beloved horse companion, Candy (oh how I loved her!)

In Saskatchewan’s capital city, the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Equestrian Statue stands prominently in front of the Legislative Building. Unveiled by Queen Elizabeth II in 2005, the bronze statue depicts Queen Elizabeth II on Saskatchewan-born horse Burmese, the favourite horse she was presented with by the RCMP in 1969.
Oil on canvas painting of horse by Campbell River artist Denise Christensen
House Beautiful
Flickr talent, khalil_in_stall
Arrangement in Horse and Reverie, oil on canvas by Canadian artist Geoff Farnsworth
Wild and Free, oil painting by Canadian artist Douglas Manning
Juliet van Otteren
Home Cheap Home
Drawing of Fargo by Jeanner of Flickr
Home Cheap Home, horse wall art
Flickr talent by zabethanne Home Cheap Home Fierce Grace by Tony Stromberg Pottery Barn
Horse, adorable mirrorpix photo Denise Christensen, Horsepower I, oil on canvas


  1. How beautiful. Thanks for the great post.

  2. I am from Kentucky and actually am very scared of horses BUT if I ever move its a heritage I'll take with me- thanks for the decorating ideas.

  3. For more gorgeous horse paintings scroll down on this page (Andre Petterson)...

    And do you know the work of Deborah Butterfield?


  4. I love love your blog. Beautiful post. I too love horses!

  5. I was just over at the other west coast blogger's site, Poppy, perusing her posts and your name popped up! She refuses to acknowledge you in her list of good Canadian blog sites! Ouch! You are still a favourite for Canuckle coverage however. So no worries you still have me as a fan!! That type of brush off gets no devoted fan base with us!

  6. You are adorable as a kid, and I love the picture you took in Regina! Poignant post you have here!

  7. PS - never mind what other bloggers think of you. We think you are swell and a heck of a nice person! Snubbiness (if thats a word!) and snobbiness aint cool in real life or in the cyberworld!

  8. Oh how cute and amazing and stunning all at the same time!

  9. i love horses too, the pony pic with the boots is sooo adorable!

  10. That foal in boots photo is WONDERFUL! I searched the site you cited but can't find it. Do you have the name? I'd love to order it!

  11. Thanks Michele and Jill...
    At first I had no idea what you were talking about! After some investigating I found out what all the kafuffle is about...

    Everyone is entitled to freedom of choice, and *even if* she is only across the pond from me, Jan (aka Poppy) is a fine blogger and has no obligation to put me, or any other Canadian blogger, on her list of favourites.
    Thank you, however, for the wonderful support and encouragement. That makes me feel terrific!

    And I am glad the rest of you enjoyed this post... I simply adore all of God's creations, especially the magnificent horse.

    Peace and Joy, T

  12. This is one of the best design/art posts I have seen in a long, long time! Beautiful works!

  13. Check out:

    I did a workshop with Bruce. He loves horses the best. He does a workshop for photographers at a dude ranch where they drive the wild horses through a river in the Grand Tetons. His students phptpgraph it at sunrise.
