Friday, May 4, 2007

An Expo for Your Nest

Here's something to do this weekend on the west coast...
View the giant Bird's Nest created by renowned local woodworker and artist Brent Comber from Stanley Park windfall as an art piece at the the Interior Design & Urban Living Expo at the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre for this weekend only. It promises to be full of exciting shows and exhibitors, including a lecture by Eames Demetrios (grandson of Charles & Ray Eames and Director of the Eames Office), an outdoor feature on how to live smaller and smarter, as well as a design contest using the "denim" wood devastated by the Mountain Pine Beetle.


  1. if only I lived close to the big city, then I would attend. this looks like a great design expo.

  2. You have a wonderful and refreshing blog. I bookmarked it!



  3. i too love your blog. it's so eclectic and full of good stuff! i visit every day!!!!! and i love how you cover canadian stuff on occasion. i live in the maritimes, so its nice to read about you west coasters!

  4. Might attend tomorrow. Stay tuned!
