Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Mother...♥

"The sweetest sounds to mortals given
Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven"
~William Goldsmith Brown

Mom and me on an adventurous outing... oh, how I love thee!
An amazing woman of beauty, faith, strength, and grace... a neverending song in my heart of love, happiness, and being.
How blessed I am to have *you* in my life...
Happy Mother's Day, dearest Mom (and to all the Mom's out there!)
Namasté xo


  1. ohh,looks fun, were you at strathcona park?

  2. That was really nice of you...Im going to post to my mom as well.


  3. Namaste to you, I have been reading you for a while and wish you and your mother a great day!

  4. This is Cape Scott at the northern tip of Vancouver Island!!! A wonderful hike with ma and pa.. probably my favourite backpack trip ever! We go on "eco-adventures" every summer!

  5. that's so awesome!
    i wish i could do stuff like that with my mother. and that's such a great photo of you two as well!

  6. What a sweet tribute to your mom and you are beautiful :)!
