Monday, May 7, 2007

Silly or Sassy?

Feast O'Fun or Flunk?
The Take Your Time table cloth with 300 riddles designed by SEM
There are empty spaces that you can put your tablesetting on, and the questions and answers to these riddles are mixed and can be read from both ends of the table. I reckon this tablecloth would be the perfect ice breaker for those quiet "je ne sais quoi" dinners... or a great giggle for that dessert & cocktail soiree!
Daring or distracting?


  1. Ooh, I love it! I could see my husband and I having some very entertaining dinners.

  2. Oh! I like that a lot! I think it would make for good table conversation!

  3. i think the right person could pull it off

  4. It's like crayons at the kiddie table, but grown up, I like it.

  5. I like it, but I guess it would depend on the company. And like you said, something like this could be a good way to start conversation.

  6. I love it. I think it's very fun! They should make a soduko version!

  7. i always read things written on napkins or linens ... its so distracting but i love it!

  8. I like the idea so much that I wrote a post about the Take Your Time table cloth last month. But to be fair, it is a fun game for a few nights at the most.

    The design is still charming. I say it is sassy.

  9. I love this! There used to be a restaurant near where I grew up called "Verti-Burger" (they had some sort of vertical burger grill). Each table had riddles printed on it - every table was different. I loved going was such a fun place. This totally reminds me of it.
