Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy, Happy Summer!

"Summer set lip to earth's bosom bare,
And left the flushed print in a poppy there"
~ Francis Thompson

I'm still breathing... deeply and fully. (;
Enjoying the song of this splendid season. I have temporarily put aside my favourite toys to savour this dreamy and magical time of year. I will be out and about this season, so I wish everyone's summer to be filled with beauty, love and light.
There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart... Namasté!
(Image from my retreat on Mayne Island)


  1. namaste, schnamaste ... I'm jealous!

  2. You enjoy your couple of months off from the indoor life (and unyielding relationship with the faithful computer). We all look forward to seeing your mighty return in September. I know how much you love the great outdoors so soak it all up while the sun is shining! Viva summer -- au naturelle!! As my hubby says:
    "Get off yer runt, get outside and do something!!!"

  3. Love your blog, T. Will miss you but you enjoy this beautiful season.
    Vanessa, I think Tara did this fun fact game already. She was tagged with
    "Six 'weird' things you didn't know about me"...
    I fine this exchange so fun to read!!

  4. I love your blog! Can hardly wait for you to get back! Enjoy your annual eco-adventure and see you soon!!

  5. Where are you backpacking this year? Would enjoy hearing about your expedition!
    -- Mary

  6. Those look like poppies? They're certainly pretty

  7. Hello!
    This is a spaniard girl who's looking around. And I love what I see!! I thing I´ll come back soon.
    Saludos desde España!!!

  8. Hope you had a blessed Christmas!! Wishing you and yours a happy and prosperous 2008!!!

  9. Namaste! :)

    I wanted to leave a comment, I enjoyed browsing through your blog so much, thank you for the soothing and thoughts. I actually came here via google looking for ideas in pink decor.

    Hope to see more here soon.
